If you are a T-Mobile G2 user, you might have been noticing an issue with Gmail lately. Its been reported that many users are having problems downloading and previewing Gmail attachments. It seems the main glitch with this is when it comes to viewing JPG images. According to those being bothered by this bug, when sent a JPG image through Gmail, previewing the pic only gives the user the “fetching attachment” pop-up, and then nothing else. This is also reported to happen when trying to download the image. On the T-Mobile thread, the first mention of the problem was posted back on September 30th, so its been lingering for quite a few weeks now. Not all users are catching this bug, and even with the most recent OTA for the G2 which updated Gmail, it is still seems to be showing up randomly. There still isn’t an official cause, but Google is definitely looking for a fix so keep an eye out for more info so you can get back to Gmailing as usual.
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