If you’re a customer of Videotron, this latest bit of news might peak your interest. With the launch of the Google Nexus One on their network not very long ago, Videotron priced the phone at a “reduced price” of $99.95 with a contract. With its massive popularity the device was quick to sell out, but now with larger stock of the device, Videotron is one-uping their own reduced price with an even lower “reduced price”. The Google Nexus One is now listed for the super low price of only $49.95 on contract. Sounds like a pretty good steal for Android Videotron customers who haven’t decided on which device to pick up. For those new to the Nexus One, its basics include Android 2.2 Froyo, 3.7-inch touch screen, 1 GHz processor, 5 MP camera and Wi-Fi. Also, for anyone interested in purchasing the Nexus One without a contract, the price is still the same at $479.95, so you do the math on that one. For more specs and ordering info you can head over to Videotron’s Nexus One pageto learn more about it.
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