Android Market Update Pushing Its Way Onto US Devices

We heard that the Android Market would be getting a makeover, and now it’s finally ready for your Android device. If you haven’t noticed the update yet, it should be showing by the end of December, as long as your Android runs 1.6 OS or higher. You can’t do this yourself, it will push onto your device automatically. I noticed the update myself on my Sprint Evo 4G this past Saturday morning.

The Android Market UI received a major facelift. It’s now sleek, clean and more appealing. The basic layout is still the same. Portrait and landscape modes are still intact. At the top of the Market, there is now a carousel with featured apps. Now when you select an app, its descriptions, reviews, and developer info, are partially hidden unless you press the more button below each. One major change that has gone into effect is a 15 minute return window for purchased applications. Before this update, you could buy, try, and return an app within 24 hours for a full refund. It’s pretty extreme, considering most people want to try out what they purchase, those 15 minutes will become very important. Maybe we need to see an increase in 15 minute free trials if the refund policy is going to stay in place.

Without including the 15 minute return window, the Android Market seems much better. For the future Gingerbread and Honeycomb devices, that new UI should transition with no problem. If the update still hasn’t pushed to your device and you want to see it in action, the guys at TalkAndroid shot a video you can watch below.


Source: TalkAndroid