Not yet Gingerbread (Android 2.3), but tons of bug fixes are coming your way for Motorola DROID 2. It will fix those nasty bugs, and boost device performance. This will be a fairly large update at 15.6 MB, and ought to be version 2.4.330.
Here’s a list of enhancements you can look forward to courtesy of Verizon:
+ Device now prepends 011 to Country Code to send
SMS messages.
+ Device no longer indicates “No Service” after powering up.
+ Device no longer resets when changing from Global Mode to
GSM/UMTS communication.
+ Device now refreshes the user interface display when switching
from GSM/UMTS to Global Mode.
+ Eliminated the blank screen when dialing the call forwarding
string *71.
Other improvements:
+ Improved audio during voice calls.
+ Reduced user interface lock-ups.