Unfair question to ask someone visiting a blog called Android Headlines? Two months ago, intomobile conducted a poll as to whether readers would prefer the Samsung Galaxy Tab or the Apple iPad. The results were that readers preferred the Android option to the iOS one nearly two to one.
Recently, a very similar poll was conducted by Piper Jaffray, and it had astonishing results. About 85% of the respondents prefered the iPad to the Galaxy Tab, both from usage and value standpoints. There were only 65 consumers who participated in this survey, but it still says interesting things.
Obviously, the Galaxy Tab has a long way to go to compete with Apple’s popularity. The consumers in the survey felt that both tablets were overpriced, but that the iPad had more value. A new 16 GB iPad with 3G sells for $649, but these consumers felt it was actually worth $417 (by averaging their thoughts on its true value). Similarly, a Tab with the same configuration actually costs $600, but the consumers thought it was worth only $283! That means that they felt the iPad was worth 47% more. Or at least they thought the Apple name was worth that much.
I think this is absolutely crazy. I have to make a confession. I have an iPad. I bought it on launch day, because I went to Best Buy to try it out. I really liked it, I even said that it was “magical and revolutionary.” That is not to say that I didn’t want an Android tablet, but they were so slow to come to market. So I bought an iPad, vowing that I would get an Android tablet as soon as it made sense. It makes sense now, but now I am waiting out for a Notion Ink Adam. I got to play with a Galaxy Tab for an extended period of time, and I must admit that I would swap in a second. The Tab is just a nicer piece of kit.
It is just too early to poll the general public about the Galaxy Tab, as most people probably have not heard of it, let alone used it.
We will have to wait it out and see how these devices do in the holiday season.
PS. This was written and researched using my iPad in a VNC app called iTeleport.