If you’ve paid attention to any news lately, there isn’t a day that goes by when you don’t hear about Wikileaks, or recent trouble for its head Julian Assange. For anyone interested, Myp3uk, a member of XDA Developers , has created a Wikileaks app for you to follow all the latest news, documents, tweets, and updates from the original site.
The app is available in the Android Market for $1.99 and can be found by searching “wikileaks” or for developer iRafa.ru. Remember, if you buy the app in the Market, 50% of that purchase goes towards the Wikileaks Defence Fund.You can download the WikiLeaks APK file from the XDA forums if you want to go that route. XDA wants to know what you think, so if you find any bugs, or just want your opinion heard about Wikileaks for Android, send them a message.
“This app brings you full expirience of browsing original Wikileaks documents, share articles with friends, read recent tweets. 50% of raised money will be sent to Wikileaks Defence Fund. Support Open Media! Available in Android Market Search for “WikiLeaks”. We recommend to buy it in Android Market to support the Fund”
Source: XDA