Gingerbread has been on the mind of Android fans ever since the statue went up at The Google Complex in November. However, the SDK wasn’t released until Dec. 16th along with the also long anticipated Samsung Nexus S, Google’s new lead device. The average user was left looking at a couple of months wait for the port over to their devices. That is when the strength of the Android developer and enthusiast community came to the rescue.
Cyanogen is the most famous name when it comes to ROMs for Android always coming with the first and fastest options. This time he even outdid himself with the speed of his port to the T-Mobile HTC HD2 that he told the world about on twitter none the less, as you can see in the tweet posted above. This isn’t the only news there has already been a port the Galaxy S line that the Nexus S is based upon.
Another post from a #TeamDouche member by the name of Chris Soyars had successfully compiled the Gingerbread AOSP and ported it to his Nexus One. All in all it has been a very busy couple of days, and without a doubt more devices with Gingerbread ROM’s will be available soon.
The strong community involvement is one of the main reasons I favor the open system of Android to other smartphones operating on closed systems. What some may call a weakness, I would consider a great strength and as Android continues to grow worldwide we will only see more great additions to what we can bring to our phones.