Here we are again, another Android OS release and now comes the “will I ever get it?” questions. According to LG’s official Facebook page, the whole Optimus line will be left out of the upgrade. LG is sighting a 1Ghz processor requirement inside of the Gingerbread update, which the Optimus’ 600Mhz does not meet. I find this very hard to believe. I have also had contacts that have poured over the Gingerbread SDK and found no hard minimum processor requirements. So is this just a way for LG to try and keep from having to port and release Gingerbread, Or is this something else? We will have to wait and see, but if LG is trying to hold out on their customers I will hate to see what the Android Community does.
Source: droiddog
Well, looks like we have some good confirmation. Today Dan Morrill, an Android engineer at Google tweeted “Random note: there’s no hard minimum processor requirement for Gingerbread. Trust me, if there were I’d know.”
Another Google Android engineer, Brian Swetland also said “Any device that runs well with Froyo should run even better with Gingerbread. The base hardware requirements have not changed. Of course OEM updates do depend on individual OEM efforts, and I can’t speak for the OEMs, but there’s no technical reason devices able to run Froyo shouldn’t be upgradeable. I think the Froyo->Gingerbread migration should be less painful for device developers than Cupcake->Donut or Eclair->Froyo.”
Now perhaps there are other factors in the LG Optimus that may keep it from Gingerbread, but not the processor speed. With this insight a lot of Android owners are breathing a sigh of relief. A 1Ghz processor requirement would shoot down some very well followed and great smartphones, including the original Droid, HTC G2, and the Nexus One. Hopefully we should start to see carriers rolling out updates before the end of the year. Happy holidays.
source: androidandme