Mystery Dell Device Gets WiFi Certification

Well well well, what do we have here?  An unnamed device from Dell has shown up in the WiFi Alliance’s certification database.  All we have to go on is the model number of M02M.  Could this be a Streak 2, or perhaps the 7 inch tablet that Dell has been teasing us with?

While the Dell Streak has a model number of M01M, I am leaning more towards a Dell Tablet.  The form does say smartphone but the WiFi Alliance does not have a category for tablets, and like the Galaxy Tab in the U.K. some tablets are just huge cellphones.  With CES just weeks away I’m sure we won’t have to wait long to find out exactly what Dell has up their sleeves.  Perhaps if this is their 7 inch tablet, the 10 inch tablet they are working on won’t be far behind.  2011 is looking to be the year of the tablet

Source: Engadget