Remember this e-Reader? Barnes & Noble had this tablet manufactured specifically for e-reading and it is running on Android OS 2.1(Eclair). But recently, the company released its Software Development Kit v.1. What could this mean?
This means that the device is not now open for developers to produce apps and such. Rooting? Pretty much possible, it is still Android. But the main reason B&N released its SDK is to help develop apps specifically for this tablet.
On the E-reader tablet note, obviously that both current and future roots and ROMs for the NOOKcolor will take the device further than its intended purpose (which is e-reading). It is plausible that it will be used also for games and other functions/exploits Android tablets can do.
In the SDK v1 Download, which is available at barnes&, the download includes:
- Android Virtual Device (AVD) Emulator
- Android Debug Bridge (ADB) configuration settings
- Sample Code
- Documentation for NOOKcolor files and components
Now, for the users. Will you root your device?
Sources and Links:
- – related
- slashgear – Using books from other sources
- Barnes & Nobles – Download link for SDK v1 for NOOK color
- Android Community – related