Ready, Set…Countdown Begins till Motorola Tablet Unveiling

Check out Motorola’s website and get in on all the tablet excitement. Sign up there to be the first to find out about their new tablet, which according to the countdown is 15 days away. Let’s see that will put us at January 5th, 2011. Too late for a Christmas gift, but a terrific opening into a new year! You can even include your mobile phone number to receive product updates via SMS.

Oh what excitement, and Motorola has just put out a YouTube video titled, ‘Tablet Evolution presented by Motorola’, which really builds anticipation. Be sure to watch till the end, that’s the big surprise. Let’s see, a flying bumblebee…are they suggesting…Honeycomb? Motorola’s site asks, ‘Ready to skip a generation’? What that possibly suggests is they will skip Android 2.3 and head straight to Android 3.0, giving us that sweet taste of Honeycomb.

Considering the success of the Motorola Droid smartphones, this should be one tablet worth getting acquainted with. Evidence suggest the tablet will be named Motorola Everest.


Via: Slash Gear, engadget