Android Playstation App Coming Soon To the US?

A Playstation app for Android phones…what a great idea Sony! Christmas was when Sony had forecast its release, but now 2011 is upon us, and we will likely see a January release (version 1.1) in the US.

What can we do with this app? Well, the first Android Playstation app (version 1.0) has been referenced on Sony Europe website only, and not the US. This probably means that the US will not be seeing that version, and have to wait for version 1.1. Not a huge problem as the next version is expected quickly. You will be able to communicate with the Playstation Network, and view all games for PSP,PS2, and PS3. You can see your friends online, check your trophies, and stream video and music.

The BIGGER news here is that only Android, and the iPad/iPhone 4 OS will be getting this app. This means you Windows Phone 7, Symbian, and Blackberry owners will not get in on the fun! While that does sound pretty grim for those phone owners, it reveals something great for the Android platform. Sony has taken notice of the popularity of Android, how it has progressed, and what promise it shows for monumental growth in the future.

Will we one day soon be playing Playstation games on our Android devices?

Keep your eyes on our site for Sony to give an official US launch date.

Via: Talk Android