Samsung’s mobile division is showing tremendous growth with the release of their new increased revenue figures. Mobile business for the 4th Quarter was up 38%, which translates to a hefty operating profit of 1.44 trillion. You read it correctly, that’s trillion, and it’s a quarterly record for Samsung.
For Samsung Android phone lovers, the news of a Galaxy S with a dual-core processor and Super AMOLED Plus display announced in the business update will put a smile on your face. Here’s what Samsung had to say;
While mobile device sales are expected to contract slightly in the first quarter of 2011 due to weak seasonal demand, Samsung forecast high single-digit sales growth for the year overall, driven by the fast-expanding smartphone and tablet segments. Samsung announced it will introduce the successor to its Galaxy S smartphone during the first half of 2011, featuring a dual-core processor and Super AMOLED Plus display to further enrich user experience. With its growing lineup, the company is targeting smartphone sales of 60 million units for the year, double that of 2010. In the tablet market, Samsung will complement its Galaxy Tab with a range of devices to optimally meet various user needs.
Sounds like Samsung is sending more tablets our way. Take a peek at the picture below of Samsung’s ‘on the money’ promotional photo of the Korean Galaxy line up. I’m predicting a further decrease in price of the current Galaxy Tab. What’s your thoughts on this, will you buy it at a reduced price, or wait for the better dual-core model?
Via: Eurodroid