Good Things Come In 3s; LG G-Slate; Android 3.0, Display 3D, Recording 3D…WOW?!!

Have you signed up yet on the T-Mobile website to be notified when further information becomes available for the LG G-Slate? I certainly have, but the wait is killing me, and now even more so! You may want to hurry on over to T-Mobile and sign up. The latest information received on the G-Slate is pretty outstanding.

We heard a lot about the Motorola XOOM winning the title at CES of ‘Best in Show’, but what’s this I’m hearing about the G-Slate? LG G-Slate specs have been pretty much a mystery up until they were unintentionally leaked to GPSandCo, who contacted LG France regarding the upcoming tablet. If these features are on the G-Slate, it sounds much more remarkable than the XOOM.  Here’s what they learned:

  • Display size – 8.9 inch 3D display allowing to view 3D content without glasses
  • 3D recording capability
  • LG Tegra 2 dual-core CPU
  • USB port and HDMI connector

What did your mama always tell you? Mine claimed good things always come in 3s. When it comes to G-Slate, that means Android 3.0 Honeycomb, boasted as the best possible tablet Android OS. The other two 3s could possibly be a 3D Touchscreen, and 3D recording capability.

LG has been promising something big in terms of 3D for the upcoming Mobile World Congress in February, so it just may be the introduction of the LG G-Slate tablet. The MWC will be held in Barcelona from February 14 to 17, but I’m hoping to hear an official leak before then. Stay tuned to Android Headlines for this exciting information as its released.

Via: Android Community