Great News On Notion Ink's Adam and The FCC, It is Coming

Sounds like the FCC has given the Adam the ok. Here is what they had to say.

There is a small story behind the product code (assigned by Notion Ink). It reads NI3421A01. NI stands for Notion Ink and A01 is Adam 1 series. 3421 are consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci series. We can trace the number down to NI0000A01 (later ones being 0100, 0102, 0302, 0503, 0805, 1308, 2113 and 3421). This would mean that the final Adam you will receive is the 9th iteration! Behind every version and number there is either a very beautiful or sad story. For examples the 1308 version was in May last year when the investor issue started.

From what is rumored, they are working a BIG media group to bring content to ADAM, guess we will see what that is and if it gets delayed as well. Interesting stuff though.

We still would love to get our hands on one, but told we would see it at CES and that is about it.