Sony Ericsson Leaves X10 Family With Android 2.1

Well friends, here is a bit of bad news for anyone that has a Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Android device.  Seems that all the delays and frustration you had with waiting for Android 2.1 (Eclair) is as far as Sony Ericsson will be taking the OS on your X10, X10 mini, and X10 mini pro.  Now SE will not be totally abandoning you, they will continue to release software enhancements within the company for 2.1.

Sony Ericsson seems to think that their X10 optimized Android 2.1 is better then stock Android 2.2.  I would personally beg to differ with that opinion, not that it would do any good.  The sheer difference between 2.1 and 2.2 on my Vibrant is like night and day, not to mention full Flash support in Android 2.2 (Froyo).  I for one would be quite furious if I were an Xperia X10 owner.  Their lack of updates, no concern for the Android community and their users would make me seriously consider not buying another SE Android device.  If you have an X10 please give us some feedback below, would love to hear from you.

Source:engadget@sonyericssonUK (twitter)