T-Mobile CEO to Meet With Deutsche Telekom For Marketing Strategy in US

With an array of new phones coming for the new year or from the CES event in Las Vegas, there were far and few coming to T-Mobile. The fact that T-Mobile continues to be 4th largest operator in the US has led the parent company, Deutsche Telecom to take action. D. Telekom CEO Rene Obermann stated that in order for the US unit of their company, T-Mobile USA, to be profitable they need provide faster network speeds and “customer-friendly prices. ” Obermann plans on speaking with T-Mobile USA CEO Philip Humm about an aggressive marketing strategy that should get the attention of new and old customers alike.

While, I am sure that top-level execs know what is the best decision for their company to turn out a profit, I do not see any discussion about bringing higher-end phones that have brought back to life Verizon with their Droid series and Sprint’s EVO 4G. Providing the fastest 4G network is just one piece of the puzzle. There is no sense in creating this fast network if they cannot deliver on providing quality devices to their customers.

Via Reuters