It might come as a shock to most Android users out there, but a brand new Samsung device just showed up sporting the hottest OS on the market…Android 2.1 Eclair! Ok so that’s not really true, it’s actually quite a few steps back considering that most of the Android community is waiting on Gingerbread OS, or for that matter ANYTHING beyond 2.1. So why would Samsung even bother? It’s a mystery, so I guess we can call it a “starter” Android.
Whatever the reasoning behind the device, the Samsung GEM( SCH-i100) is officially being promoted on the web with plenty of photos(which can be seen below in the gallery) and all it’s not so glorious specs. So about those specs, the GEM has a 3.2-inch touch display with WQVGA resolution, scratch and smudge protection, 800Mhz processor, 3.2 megapixel camera, microSD, Swype, Samsung Social Hub, GPS, Wifi, Bluetooth, and supports 850/1900Mhz CDMA spectrum.
No carrier or pricing info for the GEM have been announced, but we can assume that since it is by no means a high end device, it will be fairly cheap.