Lights, Camera, Action: Android Movie Studio Gets Xoom Hands-On Video

It was just the other day we brought you news about Movie Studio, a new movie editing suite created specifically for Android tablets running Gingerbread OS. Now thanks to some leaked video from MWC 2011, we’re getting a better idea of what the app has to offer.

During the Keynote speech by Google’s Eric Schmidt, the Movie Studio announcement was made, and then a working version of the application was shown off to the crowd using a Motorola Xoom. While video was said to be banned from the event, a sneaky someone managed to get the initial announcement, along with some top-secret hands-on video, which happens to be in French.

We aren’t sure if this is the final version of Movie Studio which will start showing up on tablets, but it’s a good starting point. You can check out both videos below. Are you an Android filmmaker in the making? Is it something you would use? Let us know what you think about Movie Studio.



Source: Frandroid, Phandroid