While phones have had GPS software on them for over 2 years now, there are still people who would rather go with a strictly GPS company. Route 66 is bringing the well-known maps of TomTom to Android with some Augmented Reality twists! The app has a “Follow Me” feature that uses your camera and a fake car on-screen to navigate you on the actual road you are on, and you follow the fake car to your destination. This mode might be better for a passenger to direct you then you using it while you drive, but is interesting nonetheless. It will also have real-time traffic and speed camera options as well, but the price of these additional features is not yet known. The app will be hitting the market soon for free, but will have options that will cost money, and a free trial of those features will be available. Check out the video below for a look at the follow me feature, and let us know if the familiarity of TomTom maps could outweigh the free options available.
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