Gesundheit: HTC Flyer Lands in Germany

Germany’s retailer Cyberport is taking pre-orders for the Wi-Fi only HTC Flyer. While it’s unsure when the US will get this model, it looks like it’d be close to $100 more than an iPad for the 32 GB model.

This continues to raise the question as to whether or not Android tablets will catch on, with iPad dominating the market with a bigger screen and cheaper price than most Android tablets.

So what does the Flyer have going for it?

  • Front facing camera
  • Android Gingerbread (NFC capabilities and Flash)
  • 5 MP camera
  • Contract Free
  • Stylus for drawing

The HTC Flyer may not be an iPad killer, but is there a market for it? Would you consider buying one or does another Android tablet have you saving your pfennigs?

Via Android Community