Hot Off the Press: Samsung Epic 4G and Sanyo Zio to Receive some Froyo Love February 21!

Yogurt, yogurt I hate yogurt… Even with Strawberries… But enough of the “Spaceballs” humor and let’s get down to brass tacks here. The Samsung Epic 4G or Sanyo Zio: get ready to have your OS UPDATED!

So our good friend over at XDA, BenTiger,  blasted out a screen shot coming straight off a Sprint internal announcement, stating that good things come to those who wait. If you’re still wondering and asking “when’s the update coming?”, well then you obviously didn’t pay attention to the title. But I forgive you, so the answer is that Epic 4G and Zio users can see the update pushed out starting February 21st this year, 2011.

Below you can see for yourself, PROOF, that this is no rumor but a reality. Again thanks to XDA for blasting this bit of information for the world to see!

Source: XDA Forums