Well well well, here we are again everyone. The Motorola Xoom won’t go away will it? There is a pretty big chance that if you typed in Google ‘Motorola Xoom’ you’ll get more bad talk about it than good. Sad to say we have some more bad news to report and this time it comes via Bloomberg Businessweek and looks at the price and asks a very sensible question,will consumers take out a contract on a device that is $200 cheaper than the standalone price’?
Think about it for a second, the Xoom will set you back $700 with no contract yet if you opt for a contract it will set you back only $599 which is rather strange. Kevin Tofel then goes on to ask another very good question. why not sell it at $399 on contract and $599 on its own? Tomorrow will be very interesting when Verizon open their doors to sell it, the staff will have been trained and the boxes will be sat at the till waiting to plump them in to customers hands. I am pretty sure that many consumers will be up to speed on the number of other tabs coming to market and may just hold off on such an expensive trip to a mobile phone shop. I bet also that HTC and Samsung will be watching this very closely to see what happens.
Drop us a line and let us know your thoughts and if you’re going to get one.