You can’t go anywhere on the web these days without running into a social network of some kind. Sometimes you can feel a bit like a fly caught in this web of bad people soliciting candies for favors, but I digress. It’s nice to know that there are friends out there and they’re all dorks for Andy the Android, just like I am.
Oh yes, Android-Fanatics like you and me are out there waiting for our status updates, forum discussions and instant chatting, so where the heck is this place? Well you can find this little community by clicking “I-AM-ANDROID” and instantly you’ll be whisked to the promised land of Android-Goodness.
Currently the community population is a little bit above 1,100 members, with yours truly being part of this beta experience. And let’s clear the air, when I say “beta” that doesn’t mean you will loathe the experience due to the site being substandard. What I mean is that there is some work still to be done, and they are considering it’s members input to shape the future product of this social network. So when you visit (and i’m positive you will) you’ll be impressed by the simple design but very functional areas that will allow you explore blogs, forums and even let you update your status just like Facebook.
I for one am a big supporter of Android and I love it when people can come together and talk about something they love. I am encouraging everyone to get out there and make this a thriving community, so pass along the word.
Source: AndroidSpin