Usually when you think of a manual most of us, like me, sigh because I’d rather tinker with it and learn by doing. When a manual comes out before you’re able to use the product, I like to read through it to see if it mentions things testers haven’t leaked yet. Our friends over at Droid-Life have come across the XOOM manual. The wording in it has me believe that it could be for the 3g/4g AND the wifi-only version, and explains a lot of the new features of the device. It seems to confirm the absence of folders for the home screen, something I was having my “source” look into on a SDK build of Honeycomb on the Nook Color. One particular part of the manual that peaked my interest was a paragraph under the description of the Apps screen. “Your Tablet can tell you when there’s an updated app or other software. To install the update, just follow the directions on your screen.” While that might just be letting the user know about the Market and its update notifications, it could mean a notification icon on the app itself. Check out the file from Droid-Life here, and if you find out anything that you think people have missed please let us know in the comments!
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