Video: FullHDMI Unleashes EVO to Your Big Screen


HTC Evo 4G Hack allows full HDMI display

One of the more popular selling points on phones these days seems to be having an HDMI port, even if that phone is nine months old. Age aside though it seems only natural that a hack involving the HDMI port would come out for one of the most popular devices in the States, the HTC EVO 4G. And we’re not talking about just throwing YouTube videos and photos up on your flat screen. How about a full mirror of your device? That’s right. A complete render of your smartphone as it looks on your device, displayed on your flat screen.


How to Set up HTC Evo 4G HDMI Hack

In order to ge this to work, FullHDMI needs root access, so you will need to root your device. But seeing as how the device has been out for around nine months already, it won’t be a difficult task. Next you will want to pick up the app on the Market for $2.99. It is also recommended that you use a home replacement app that supports landscape mode, as HTC Sense does not. With all this you should be ready to go. Let us know how this works for you.

Via IntoMobile.  Video courtesy AndroidCentral Forums.