With stiff competition from newer devices, the Samsung Galaxy S appears to be on its last legs, but that hasn’t stopped Samsung from preparing to ship the Wi-Fi only version of their tablet for April 4th. With the failure of their 3G version, and the release of the 4G capable, dual-core processor, Honeycomb running Motorola Xoom, the Galaxy S is looking at a different segment of Android users.
Thanks to a quick thinking Android community member attending a technology fair and Droid Life we bring you the following flyer:
Entry Level Tab?
At a $399.99 price point, the device may appeal to some looking for an entry-level, or smaller tablet. Think grandma and grandpa, or little Johnnie. The hardcore tablet users already have the Xoom and iPad2, with Tegra 2 processor laden tablets just around the corner.
Once billed as the first solid contender to the iPad, the Galaxy S is now struggling to compete in a market place loaded down with options. All we can say is, if you’re looking for a small tablet running Android, that won’t break the bank, this one’s for you!