Now more devices can Swype instead of Type!

Swype Keyboard in New Beta Release

Swype has to be the most wanted third party keyboard solution for Android phones. Unfortunately it’s still only either a pre-installed solution from your phone manufacturer or a beta version you’d have to be lucky enough to be a part of. While those both still currently ring true, Swype has updated the beta users once again to add more support. The newest version is now Here are some of the changes in this new beta version:

Swype Beta Changes

  • QVGA and WQVGA Support
  • WSVGA support; Finally Barnes & Noble Nook Color modders can join in!
  • qHD support; Motorola Atrix 4G users are now welcome
  • updated prediction algorithm
  • Russian, UK English, and Dutch language support
  • imported contact names that you delete now stay deleted
  • “The Following word was hidden” notification now only shows up the first time it is hidden

Swype Moving Toward Full Release

While we all would love for the keyboard to be out of beta and it the market, it looks like they want to run the beta a little longer. Adding support for new devices like the Atrix 4G shows that they want to get to the point where you can buy their software, but they feel it isn’t ready yet.

This method is overall better than the way some applications let users beta test their item in the market, creating possible negative buzz when the keyboard or program has its initial glitches. If you are one of the lucky ones who got in on the beta, you can update here, If you are still waiting for another Swype invite session, stick with us and we’ll let you know as soon as it reopens!