A Look inside a Concept Phone "New Eden" for HTC

XDA member shares Concept Phone Design for HTC

We all know the members of XDA are known for amazing and wondrous things and making all our hacking dreams come true. XDA member Jason Wang took some time and came up with a pretty nice looking concept phone for HTC. His concept brings the bigger screen sizes we’ve come to love, and all packaged in a very slim and sleek design.

Concept Phone Specs

He also enhanced the screen to give it a more curved look, so it would give a 3D like appearance. He also did include more smaller simplified capacitive buttons which prevent accidental contact when using the phones touch screen . Some of the specs he included:

  • 4 inch Super AMOLED display
  • 1.2 GHz OMAP 4 CPU
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 16 GB internal storage
  • 1.3 Megapixel Front Facing Camera

What Say You to this Design?

While this doesn’t stray away from any HTC phones out now, I do enjoy the smaller buttons and how well they blend with the rest of the body. Jason Wang also has some other design projects he is working on, such as a new tablet design and a new design for the Apple Macbook. If you would like to pass some design tips to Mr. Wang, you can look at his forum post and give him some tips. Would this be a phone you’d purchase?