Dell States: Android Tablets Will Overtake The iPad Just As They Did The iPhone

Android Will Lead Tablet Market

If you think back to a little more than a year ago the Apple iPhone was dominating the smartphone market and Android was just beginning to make a name for itself. Fast forward to present day and the Android platform has seen rapid growth to become the leader of smartphone market share. Dell’s CEO recently made a statement to the WSJ, saying that he believes history will repeat itself in the tablet market as well. Apple dominates the tablet scene right now, but by this time next year we will see a drastically different landscape.

Dell CEO Michael Dell:

Not tomorrow. Not the next day. But again, if you look at 18 months ago, Android phones were like, “What is that?” And now there are more Android phones than iPhones. I don’t see any reason why the same won’t occur with Android tablets.

The Future Of Tablets

The argument for Android to surpass Apple in the tablet space is valid in almost all respects and for the very same reason that it was the outcome in the smartphone space. Android will beat Apple due to the sheer number of offerings and manufacturers behind the platform. The iPad will without a doubt however be the most dominant single offering as no one manufacturer will be able to match its numbers.

Players like RIM and theirBlackberry PlayBook and HP with the Touchpad will have a place in the market, but it remains to be seen how much support these offering will garner. The BlackBerry brand has a loyal following and major stake in the business arena if they can capitalize and market the PlayBook as the perfect business tablet they will have success. HP’s tablet success is in the same boat as their smartphone success and if they are able to capitalize in one the other should follow.

The tablet market is still in its infancy stage with the major players just being released or being released shortly and their is plenty of room for growth. The future however seems destined to have Android on top followed by Apple, then BlackBerry and HP just as the smartphone market has come to be. What do you guys think of the future of the tablet arena, and which platform do you things is best regardless of market success?

Via IntoMobile