The Wait is Over: Wi-Fi Galaxy Tab
It seems like forever ago that the Samsung Galaxy Tab first reared its head and became available to the public. Since then, we’ve heard the rumors of a possible Wi-Fi only version jumping into the market. The wait is finally over.
Samsung announced last week that the WiFi-only Galaxy Tab would be available for purchase by April 10th. They stuck to their guns (almost) and the Tab is now available at some online retailers. If you want to check out where to go for this Tab, look at Samsung‘s website, they list the retailers.
What features should I be expecting with the Wi-Fi Tab?
Unfortunately for some, this tablet is not running Android OS 3.0 (Honeycomb). Actually, to be quite honest, it’s not anywhere near Honeycomb potential. It will be running Android OS 2.2 (Froyo), feature a 7 inch screen and a front and rear camera. Alongside an A8 Cortex processor, this tablet is pretty hard to beat, especially at the $350 price point.
True you could step up in price and get something with Honeycomb, but the Galaxy Tab is a definite contender in the market.