HTC Thunderbolt Struggles with Verzon's 4G LTE network

HTC Thunderbolt Shorts Out on LTE

The HTC Thunderbolt is crowding the airwaves with commercials about how fast and amazing it is. Unfortunately, users are reporting problems with the phone’s 4G (LTE on Verizon’s network) connectivity. From Fort Lauderdale to Los Angeles, Thunderbolts are losing 4G then gaining it back after 5-10 seconds. Not that big of a problem if it happens once in a while but the problem occurs so frequently that Verizon is working on a firmware update to keep their LTE flagship phone up to speed.

Solution to Thunderbolt Problem Being Worked On

So far there is no release date as to when this update can be expected but folks at the Verizon forums are already ranting about it. Feel free to join them or tell us your thoughts below.