Q&A: Your Google Music & Movies Questions Answered


We were pretty much all over the Google Music and Movies news from yesterday. In case you missed it, here’s a quick list of our stories from yesterday’s Google I/O keynote: 

Google Music To Be Announced Tomorrow At Google I/O
UPDATED: Music Beta by Google finally released, but don’t upload your pirated tunes

And for our non-USA friends and family, or those whose device didn’t come with Android Market access we set you up with the link to the new music app here:

Don’t Wait! Get Your Standalone Google Music APK, Available Now!

But if you’re more of a Cliff Notes kind of person you are in luck, PC World has done a FAQ post that looks to have most of the Google Music & Movies bases covered. There isn’t any new information included in the story, but if you are a little late to the news it’s a quick catch-me-up.

On the Google Music invite status; of all the people who I have checked in with, only those that are actually at Google I/O have gotten their Google Music invite. I’m not sure if they are delaying invites until after I/O or if they are rolling them out slowly, but I can’t find anyone that has one yet.

Source: PC World