Sprint one of many selling WiFi only Xoom

Sprint has the Xoom contract free

I can’t for the life of me think of a reason why, but the Motorola Xoom WiFi only model can now be purchased at your local Sprint Store for $600. Sprint seems to be being a bit counterproductive by doing this but if it sells units, it sells units. Giving it more thought I can’t really think of a scenario where I would buy an Android tablet with a dedicated data plan. I don’t really need another contract to go with the 4G tethering I get from my Evo so WiFi only is the way to go for me and as 4G gains more widespread use I can see millions of other Android users making the same decision. I even considered the death of the tablet with 3G/4G radios all together. Anyhow, for better or worse Sprint has WiFI only tablets available in their local stores and it’s another of the growing list of places where you can scoop one up. One things for sure it’s a good thing for Motorola and whats good for Motorola is good for Android. Later folks.