Featured: The App Compatibility Issue is Fixed Easier than you Think

App compatibility has been getting its fair share of press lately, and most of the time I’ve noticed that the most obvious fix is not being put into place by most developers.  A feature that has been around for a while now is the ability to have your application not show up in a persons market searches by un-checking their device’s model from your application prior to submitting it, or when you make changes to your app. I realize that developers don’t have access to every device out there, but most would at least know the amount of RAM a lot of the devices have, as well as hardware features that may or may not be needed for your application to run properly. Another method to improve your devices reputation would be to take note of user reviews. if ten or more people with a Droid Eris tell you the application simply won’t run properly on their phone, it’s probably best to just remove the phone from the list of supported devices with an update to the application. It’s better than people who own that device to try your app, it not work, then have them be sour at you and all of your future applications for their bad experience. The fact that the web version of the Android Market is starting to show what devices the application is for will help, but if they can still just install it anyway the problem still exists. Are you a developer who agrees/disagrees with what I’m saying? let me know in the comments…