[OFF TOPIC] This Was Just to Much Fun Not to Share

¡íŠ‡no s턱퉥튇 튞퉔퇝퉥퉔 ¿sn퉹턱튌 퉐 퇝튌퉐퉥 튎퇝퉥튇 튞u턱퉥튇 퉯퇝퉥튇 퇝튞퉐퉯 튇sn호 퉹o ¿bu턱퉥튇퇝퉯os p퉐퇝퉹 o튇 튞퉹o튍 튎헟헟퉐퇝퉹 퉯퇝퉥튇 퇝튞퉐퉯 ¿í—Ÿí„±í‰í‰¯í‡ u퉐 u턱 퉹o +b uo 퇝헟do퇝d 퉥튇턱튍 ss퇝퉯 o튇 p퇝튇u퉐튍 퉹퇝튌퇝 no튎 퇝튌퉐H

What, WHAT-!- Are you confused yet- That’s kind of the fun and the point. All work and no play makes Stormy a cranky boy, so after I saw this I just had to share. The site is called FlipText.org. Just type in the text you want flip…

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[OFF TOPIC] This Was Just to Much Fun Not to Share
Stormy Beach – androidspin.com