Take Note, WritePad Brings Stylus Optimized Handwriting to any Honeycomb Tablet.

When HTC released the Flyer tablet, Ií¢€™ll admit, I was a bit jealous of its Scribe technology and writing capability; enough so, that I went out and purchased a capacitive stylus to use with my own Xoom tablet. Surely the Xoomí¢€™s larger screen would be better for writing anyway, but to my dismay, there weren’t many apps for me to write with. Those that did exist werení¢€™t exactly as useful  or smooth looking as what the Flyer was touting.

Weeks later, however, XDA forum member Transceiver, has made my pen purchase a worthy investment. Transceiver is the creator of an a…

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Take Note, WritePad Brings Stylus Optimized Handwriting to any Honeycomb Tablet.
Jim Farmer – talkandroid.com