Featured: 30 days with an Android tablet

I’ve kind of always wanted to do a 30 days with type of a project, and I’ve settled on what my first topic is going to be: 30 days with an Android tablet. For the next month, I’m going to lay aside my iPad, MacBook, Chrome Book and my desktop computer and do as much as I possibly can with just my 7″ Acer Iconia A100 tablet.

Full disclosure: this isn’t much of a stretch for me. I haven’t turned my desktop computer on in months; I have no idea at all where my Chrome Book charger even is. My MacBook is my go-to device, but I really only do work on it these days. Starting today, and for the next 30 days, I’ll only fire it up to file my taxes and to format my blog posts.

The real hard part in this for me will be putting the iPad on the shelf for a month. I’ve kept my iPad because Android tablets are missing some really key applications for my use. HBO Go, Max Go and the DirecTV iPad app aren’t available for the Android platform, and it looks like none of the three ever will be. I use all three of these apps constantly, and in the case of the DirecTV app, daily. It will take some getting used to, but I’m up for the challenge.

Every Thursday I’m going to post a recap of what went right, or more importantly, what went wrong with my challenge. I’ll talk about what apps I’m using to do the things that I need and want to do, and any workarounds that I come up with for issues encountered along the way. I’ll also confess my sins if I fall off the wagon and watch an episode of Deadwood on my iPad.

There are a couple of caveats to this 30-day challenge. I can type my blog posts on my tablet using Google Docs, but I can’t use the WordPress dashboard. I’ll have to use my MacBook to complete blog posts. I also have to finish my taxes, so there’s another instance where I’ll have to cheat and use my MacBook.

Aside from those uses, I’ll confess my sins. More importantly, I’ll tell you why.

Thursdays will be the big weekly recap, but I’ll be posting my ups and downs on my Twitter account and on my Google+ page throughout the week.