Featured: Motorola Photon 4G Sequel Coming To Sprint

One of the first dual core smartphones to make its way to Sprint, the Motorola Photon 4G, is coming out with a sequel which will be coming to the carrier. Details are a bit scarce at this time, no name or any mention of specs, though one can expect a potentially fancy name, but uncertain if there will be a quad core processor.

Pocketnow hinted at what the specs could be:

Full specs — or even partial specs — aren’t yet known, but we’d expect at least a dual-core, if not a quad-core, processor, along with a 720p HD display and probably a similar overall form factor to the original Photon.

It’s worth noting that LTE smartphones are already hitting Sprint with them getting ready for the launch of LTE, so we’ll likely hear a release date and full specs here soon. One of the unique features of the first generation Photon 4G was that you could buy a separate dock, very similar to a netbook, and use the phone to power it.

Being that the popularity of these kinds of setups are increasing, we may see a new dock as well to go along with the new phone from Motorola.