We all remember the notes that used to get passed around in class. Sometimes they were good, sometimes they were bad, but they were almost always a hot commodity and if you didn’t ever get any you were left behind feeling uncool. Well, big news potentially for T-mobile customers has come just over the horizon during the weekend. We might all be getting that note we’ve been waiting for. I’m talking about the Samsung Galaxy Note, not the note from that cute girl you sat behind in science class and creepily stared at while day dreaming of taking her to the prom. Of course this is just speculation and nothing is official but exciting none the less. This information comes straight to us from Tmonews, as they seem to have accidentally come across a Samsung product listing (user string) with a model number similar to those on T-mobiles lineup of previous devices. The Samsung SGH-T879 as it is referred to in the photo of the user agent string, tells us a couple of things.
– 1: That it has a screen resolution of 800×1280 which suggests that it is a phone and not a tablet. Tablets typically have a screen resolution of 1280×800 as they are devices normally held in landscape and not horizontally.
– 2: The photo of the user agent string above is the same as the At&t Galaxy note.
Here are some other photos that show the settings menus of the System information and Display information. Check them out as it plays some more with the thought that this could actually be the Note. Notice the SDK version number? Yes that is actually 4.0.3 which means ice cream sandwich. And if you take peak at the Display settings photo you’ll notice that it states a Qualcomm Adreno GPU. Gamers everywhere unite! (sidenote: Could you imagine playing a game like Asphalt 6 HD or Shadowgun on this size of a phone screen? It’s downright fathomable.)
While these little bits of information definitely point in the direction of the Note being dropped onto T-Mobile (or so we hope) they are simply to vague to give any real definition to whether or not we can see this device hit t-mobiles shelves any time soon. The exclusivity of the Galaxy Note on At&t is set to run out this month though and this just adds more fuel to the fire. Looking back at this information, we know that T-mobiles list of Samsung devices has always had a history of being tagged under the SGH-Txx9 model number. Ahhhhh.. . talking about this takes me back to the good old days of my first cool camera phone. You T-mobile subscribers know the one im talking about. The SGH-T809. Yea. That one! It had the 1.3 mp rear facing camera that, oh…. Wait for it… spun around to become a front facing camera. SO COOL!!! Which, at the time, was the whole reason I wanted it. Going back on topic, we also know that if this were not a T-mo variant of the Note, and was a reboot of the 7in. Tab, it would more likely have been listed with a resolution of 1280×800 instead. So, taking all this into account, what do you guys out there think? Could this be the Note for T-mobile? Would you T-mobile subscribers out there like to see a Galaxy Note hit store shelves? As a loyal and happy T-mobile user myself, I know I’d love to see it released just so I could play with it. On the other hand though it probably wouldn’t be one id pick up for my device. There’s just something about talking on a phone that looks like it was made to fit ‘Andre The Giant’ that turns me off. Maybe it’s the DVD case sized form factor. Feel free to post your comments below.