It seems that lately every manufacturer, and even Google, wants to offer free cloud storage to their users. The Google Drive is expected to be unveiled next week and also offer 5 GB of free storage, and possibly some high level of integration with an Android device’ files, apps, data, photos, videos and so on.
HTC has also made a partnership with Dropbox to offer 25 GB of free storage to their users, which is an impressive amount compared to everyone else, although I hope that doesn’t cost them as much as it would’ve cost them to put almost as much storage in their phones, which are usually lacking high amounts of storage.
Samsung is also making their own S-Cloud, which will offer 5 GB of storage, and promises to be less restrictive than Apple’s iCloud regarding what kind of files they allow on it. It will also enable users to buy paid content that can be hosted in this cloud. Rumors also say that this cloud storage solution will be powered by Skydrive.
To me that doesn’t make sense. why they would want to use Microsoft’s solution, when they could just use Google Drive, which will be announced soon, especially when we’re talking about the same amount of storage. It also remains to be seen if it will be just as integrated as Google’s drive. One more thing I’d like to know is if you can put apps and app data inside this storage solution, will Microsoft be able to take a sneak peek at what’s inside and learn more things about how to compete with Android? We might find out soon.