Featured: Android Headlines now has a Google Currents Edition


I have loved the idea of Google Currents from the beginning, but after the last update fixed the slow response issues I’ve been using it every day. We started a project this week to create our own Currents Edition, and you can access it now.

We are focusing on the unique content that our own writers produce so you’ll find sections for our Featured Articles, our YouTube channel and our Google+ posts. In addition there are sections for our Top 10 lists and app reviews as well.

Our Currents Edition isn’t listed in the Google Currents catalog yet, so to subscribe you need to click on the link below from your mobile device, or scan the QR code below that.

We’ll constantly enhance our Currents Edition in an effort to make our content easier to access. We’re always open to your feedback if you have any ideas or suggestions for us.

Link: Android Headlines Google Currents Edition