Featured: Angry Brids Heikki To Launch June 18th

Angry Birds, it’s somewhat impossible to escape, don’t you think? Especially if you’ve got family that love casual games. It’s certainly hard not to love Angry Birds, it’s so simple and yet so addictive. There’s no doubting Rovio’s runaway success with the game either. Having launched originally on the iPhone and then Android it’s only gotten bigger and bigger since.

The game itself remains much the same, that blend of casual gameplay with engaging visuals has always done them proud. I bet we all here have at least one of the Angry Birds games installed. The first thing I did with my tablet, after setting it up, was to install and play Angry Birds and I still play to this day.

It looks like Rovio isn’t happy enough with the success of it’s recently launched Angry Birds in Space – that offered the same gameplay with some subtle, yet effective twists – and are looking to launch yet another title next month. Rovio is a Finnish company and, Heikki Kovaleinen is Finland’s finest racing driver so, naturally, you could assume that this may well have something to do with racing. You’d more than likely be correct there but, unfortunately we won’t know until the launch next month. It’s certainly going to be interesting to see what Rovio have instore for us this time round.