Were all eagerly awaiting the Galaxy S III. With the recent press event on May 3rd that unveiled tons of tasty tidbits of information about Samsung’s new flagship device, and the otherwise unrelenting wave of leaks and photos hitting the web displaying design and features, how could we not? You have to give it to Samsung, they know how to hook their customers. Dazzle them with beautiful sleek design, gorgeous screens and features that almost seem ahead of their time. One of the biggest features to make a splash at the press event was the Galaxy s III’s “pop-up-play” video playback capability. It basically lets you run a video in windowed mode on your GSIII so you can go about fiddling with other apps and things on your phone at the same time. Pretty slick right? Sure, if you own a Galaxy S III its wicked. But what about all us other Android owners? You can rest easy. There’s an app for that.
Thanks to independent French developer Cerrato Renaud, all you need possess is an android device running 2.2 froyo or above and you too can bask in the glory of some galaxy s III type goodness. His new app titled Stick It! Which is available on the play store now, lets you run videos in windowed mode just like samsung’s “pop up play”, and you can place the videos over virtually anything you desire to do with your device. I was immediately drawn with such magnitude, to this apps capabilities to let me simultaneously watch 4 episodes of the office all at once, that I literally picked it up within minutes of reading about it. I could be writing this very article on my tablet as I watch The Big Bang Theory AND How I Met Your Mother. Yes, all my prayers have been answered.
With such a bad ass application, You would think Cerrado would be loathing the release of the Galaxy S III. Surprisingly though, he’s not worried at all. Samsungs new feature plug at the event on May 3rd has blown up sales of his new stick it! app by 600 percent. In addition to this already insane boost, traffic has also shown up around his other apps like overskreen which is essentially very similar to stick it! but for the web. It’s a windowed web browser app that you can place on top of any other app you are running at the time.
Just think about the possibilities. In your regular stock browser you could be skimming the pages of Ikea.com (which ironically, are easier to navigate through than their stores) looking for a new duvet cover, (they keep my down comforter nice and clean, Trust me, it’s the last things you want to get “down” and dirty. Am I right???? anyways…..) when suddenly the mood strikes to watch flashdance. After watching 3 minutes or so you get thoroughly bored and need to entertain yourself with more so you pull up keyboard cat. Haha.. always a classic. But it doesn’t stop there. With Ikea.com , flashdance, and keyboard cat at your fingertips, you just know there’s something missing. That’s it! You also had to order tickets to the upcoming Justin Bieber concert. In one powerful little setup, you’re doing everything all at once. This is the future my friends. Now before you go and pick this up to try out, I should note that the app does cost and does perform better on devices with a slightly faster processor. If you run an entry level 2.2 device, purchase at your own risk. It will set you back a mere $1.79 but well worth it if you have the hardware to run the multiview feature of this application. Which might I add is the best thing ever. If you are interested in digging up this little gem, no pun intended (ok maybe a little bit), the hit the jump at the bottom of this post. I have also taken the liberty to post a couple photos and a little video treat for you guys at the bottom just to show you how cool this thing runs on a device like the transformer prime.