Featured: Google's Project Glass UI Not Final; No Targeting System..Yet

Ah, Project Glass, by any other name would seem as awesome. I think there are a lot of you out there that whilst might not be sure of whether or not this kind of tech will catch on but, I’m sure there are a great many more of us that just think this stuff is amazing. It’s exciting and extremely refreshing to see this sort of sci-fi future tech becoming a reality.

If you haven’t seen the video from Google detailing what they hope to have happen “One Day…” then oggle down below by all means!

These last few weeks we’ve seen Project Glass been shown off by Sergey Brin himself, along with pictures being taken by the device as well, all promising stuff, for sure. When you can take photos like this one below, you know you’ve got something good on your hands.

CNET recently had a chance to meet Project Glass through Vic Gundotra – chief of Google+ – unfortunately they weren’t allowed to try on the glasses for size – bummer, right? – what they were given, however is info on what the UI currently looks like. It was described as something that sits “about where the edge of an umbrella might be” rather than full- on frame filling UI seen in the video. It sure makes sense, people aren’t going to be keen wearing something that blocks out there entire vision upon interaction. Making the UI subtler seems a good move but, CNET were also told that it’s “It’s still too early to know what the functions and UI will be”, which means there might be more to come for Project Glass yet. I can’t even begin to think of what Google will be planning to release as a final product or, indeed, when even but, I know that I’m more excited by this than any other tech from these past years.

[Source: CNET]