Featured: Google Planning for Multiple Nexus Devices with Android Jelly Bean

This is somewhat of a shake up to the status quo we’re bringing you today. The Wall Street Journal has learned – from sources ‘close’ to the matter, naturally – that Google is planning to partner with multiple OEMs come fall to deliver Pure Google experiences to the masses. It’s said that Google is looking to bring more members into the Nexus family as oppose to just one device this time around. It seems that the move will encourage device manufacturers to differentiate on hardware alone – as oppose to the constant skinning that seems to get in the way of development. Of course, the move is also a way to quell any rumours that Google will be playing favourites with Motorola Mobility after the acquisition is finalised.

It’s been said that Google is looking to have Jelly Bean and its accompanying family of flag bearers before thanksgiving – giving the outfit along with its partners (who are yet to be named) chance to get in on the Holiday Shopping sprees. It appears we’ll know more about this come Google I/O – which is normally when Google announces changes to the things there doing and also the most expected time for an unveil of Jelly Bean itself. A massive announcement on new hardware alongside a new Android release could really bolster Android.

There is, of course, the question of how mad carriers are going to be with all of this. After all, the $399 Unlocked Galaxy Nexus from the Play Store can’t sit all that well with Verizon and Sprint now can it? The idea that users could buy a phone from a range of device manufacturers carrying the latest and greatest from Google with none of their bloatware isn’t going to be pleasing any of the carriers. Whether or not these devices will work their way onto carriers as variants is yet unknown but, it certainly wouldn’t surprise me.

There’s a lot we don’t know yet – as there always is – but, if the rumour from the Journal is correct it means something very different for Android, indeed. Sure, there’s been Nexus devices around for some time now but, it’s always been one partner and one phone. Meaning if you don’t like the Galaxy Nexus (although, how could you not) then you’re not going to be buying into the Nexus program. With more devices Google will not only have a bigger net but be able to swing it wider, as well. It might just be me, but the idea of being able to pick from a number of different devices – each with their own attributes – and still enjoy the latest and greatest straight from the tap seriously excites me. Finally, it looks as though our green friend will be breaking free of the carriers in a bigger way than ever before and I’m certainly routing for him!

[Source: The Wall Street Journal; Via The Verge]