Featured: Other Executives Following Sanjay Jha; Jumping Ship

There’s been a lot of buzz around the recently completed acquisition of Motorola Mobility, mostly about just what is going to happen with the company now that it’s finally been brought under Google’s wing. There’s something else to focus on here and that that’s Motorola Mobility will, for the time being, still function like it has done. Which, if you ask me, isn’t exactly functioning well. There’s some changes going on at Motorola Mobility already that might bring some interesting changes for the company.

Sanjay Cha’s exit was expected and now Dennis Woodside from Google – who oversaw the acquisition from their side – will be replacing him. However, it’s now been said that a number of other executives will be following suit and heading for the doors. Allthingsd have been told that Senior VP Alain Mutricy, strategy chief John Bucher, supply chain head Mike Fleming, chief of marketing Bill Ogle, head of H.R. Scott Crum, operating chief Juergen Stark and Marc Rothman, CFO of the company. Along with them will go Christy Wyatt – of former Palm and Apple fame – head of the enterprise unit, these responsibilities will fall to Mahesh Veerina.

Of course, with any acquisition of this type there’s going to be changes however, it’s been said that Google are holding back big changes, if they are to make any at all. The Motorola logo still remains however, Google has made a few additions as well. They’ve formed a new R&D department – which is said to accelerate new technology in phones – and had former DARPA recruit Regina Dugan head the new unit.

It’s exciting to see some new life-blood be pumped into Motorola Mobility, something that has been sorely needed these last couple of years. The company has lost share rapidly to its rivals and will continue to do so if Google don’t turn the ship around fast. I’d love to see Motorola – in their own rite – become successful again, they put Android on the map in the states and it’d fantastic to see them work with Google to bring Android hardware to a new level.