Featured: Google+ App Finally Tablet Optimized

I guess now that Google is producing their own tablet it was high time for the Google+ app to get a tablet makeover. Vic Gundotra announced on stage today that later this afternoon Google would finally release their tablet optimized app, and it looks really nice.

The new version of the app will feature a new scrolling layout that features the content of your streams with a new magazine style layout available to both tablets and phones and adds in the new Google+ Events feature. There is also a tablet optimized version of Google Hangouts to make your video chats look much nicer on the bigger screen.

Google+ Events are coming soon, and are a new way to invite your friends and family to events. Your friends that also use Google+ will see beautiful invitations to your events in Google+ that are also integrated into Google Calendar, and they’ll be invited to share the images that they take at the event.

The gallery of images in the Event will be available for all to view, and are ranked based on the interests of the people who are in attendance. After the event, guests are reminded to share images that they haven’t already added from their phone or point and shoot camera, and Google+ will assemble all of the images into a chronological album.

The new Google+ app for Android phones and tablets is available now. If you aren’t seeing it in the Play Store in your device, go to the website and add the update to your device from there.

Google Play Store Link: Google+

Image: Engadget