Featured: Samsung Has Sold Over 50 Million Of The Galaxy S And S II, 7 Million Galaxy Notes

Samsung has been on quite the roll since the introduction of their Galaxy S smartphone back in 2010. Since then, they’ve come out with the Galaxy S II, Galaxy Note, a 5 inch tablet/smartphone hybrid, and the soon to be released in the states Galaxy S III.

Today, the south Korean company released their latest sales figures and they sure aren’t anything to laugh at. Over 50 Million Galaxy S and Galaxy S II smartphones have been sold and 7 Million of the Galaxy Note has been sold. Pretty impressive, especially when you consider that the Note wasn’t released until late October of last year. Not to mention that 2 Million of the five inch device has been sold in just the last 2 months alone.

While Samsung continues to battle with Apple over patent infringement lawsuits, it doesn’t seem to be affecting their sales. If anything, Apple is showing that Samsung is a serious competitor and potential threat to their iOS business. If everyone could exist peacefully and do their own thing, that would be great, but then we’d be talking about some fantasy land which is likely never going to exist.

The Galaxy S III has been getting a lot of buzz lately and if they can continue with their previous track record and providing a great experience to customers, then it wouldn’t be hard to see the smartphone rack up Millions and Millions to their already huge totals.

Do you own the Galaxy S, S II, Galaxy Note, or plan on getting the S III?