Featured: Samsung Launches TecTiles, Reprogrammable NFC Stickers for Galaxy Devices

It seems that by the end of the year, NFC should really start to take off, because now it looks like all the major companies are going to support it in all their Android phones, and Apple might offer it in the new iPhone as well. Samsung is trying to get ahead of everyone by coming out with their own reprogrammable NFC stickers that you can use with Galaxy phones.

So what can you do with these stickers? Well, you can program them to do just about anything you want: launch an app, set an alarm, toggles Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, and you can customize anything you want in your Android phone like this, depending on your location. For example, if you want Bluetooth set on when you get in your car, you ca just put a sticker in your car, and then activate it through that sticker with just one tap.

Then, if you put a sticker in your home, that takes your phone out of car mode, and so on. You can create hundreds of combinations like these, and use the NFC stickers to automate your phone based on your location.

There’s an app that will be made available to you to manage all these settings, after the initial pairing. You can reprogram one of these stickers up to 100,000, so you’ll probably destroy it or lose it by the time that happens. Currently, the technology allows for only one function at a time, but Samsung plans to upgrade it to work with multiple functions in the future, as they’re mentioning in their promo video:
